It is sometimes possible to make last-minute plans by calling the island phone 603-279-7626. However, most summer weeks and fall weekends fill up during the registration period during the early winter. AMC members receive discounted rates; join here.
Summer Reservations
The camp summer season is nine weeks long. Requests for full weeks (from Saturday to Saturday) are accommodated first; partial-week requests are only considered if there are vacancies left over. Applications may reserve up to four cabins and up to 12 people. No children under the age of four are permitted, and no pets. The maximum stay is normally two weeks; an optional third week may be requested after all two-week reservations have been accommodated.
Apply Early for the Lottery!
Reservations for summer weeks fill up early. All reservations postmarked between January 1 and January 15 are entered into a lottery. Reservations postmarked after January 15 are welcome, but they will only be considered after all those postmarked between January 1 and January 15 have been processed. Follow reservation instructions below.
To see dates for summer weeks and fall weekends, and to see availability after the January lottery has been completed, see our Availability page.
Fall Weekend Reservations
Fall weekends are a fantastic way to introduce folks to the magic of Three Mile Island. Many summer campers like to return for a much needed second dose. The atmosphere is relaxed, and the weather is often superb. "Veteran Croo" members who staff the weekends are thrilled to be back on TMI and they bring high levels of enthusiasm.
The weekends are "quasi full service." The only real differences in the fall are that the lake is less crowded, the island is only open to 60 campers, you carry your own baggage, and you bring your own bedding and towels. It is a great way to take the sting out of the end of another summer.
Each weekend includes three meals on Saturday, breakfast and lunch on Sunday, as well as canoe and sailboat use. Of course, there is an extra day included for the Labor Day weekend. Bring sleeping bags, pillow cases, towels, and flashlights. Children under 4 years of age and pets are not permitted.
The Fall season includes four weekends. You can apply for as many Fall Weekends as you like, whether or not you have also applied for a Summer reservation. The Fall Weekends are slower to fill and normally a lottery has been unnecessary, but you are more likely to get your choice of cabin if you reserve early.
How to Send a Reservation
To request a reservation you must mail these four items to the Registrar (address below):
Reservation Form (Summer and/or Fall Weekend)
AMC Liability Waiver Up to six campers may sign on each copy of this form.
Deposit For Summer reservations, $200 per person per week (50% refundable with at least 30 days' notice); for Fall Weekends, include full payment. If you are requesting both a Fall Weekend and a Summer reservation, they may be submitted in the same envelope, but please include a separate deposit check for each. Make the check out to "Three Mile Island A.M.C." Prices are listed on the reservation form.
Self-addressed, stamped envelope so we can notify you that your reservation has been accepted.
Postmark your envelope between January 1 and January 15 to maximize your likelihood of getting a spot during the summer week/s you prefer. Once your Summer reservation request is accepted, the deposit is 50% refundable if you provide at least 30 days' notice prior to your reservation start date. Full Summer deposits are only returned if we are unable to accommodate your request. The Fall Weekend payment may be refunded (minus a $25 processing fee) if the cancellation request is received at least 30 days prior to scheduled arrival.
Sally Hopkins Wilson, Registrar
P.O. Box 736
Moorestown, NJ 08057
Email with any questions with Summer reservations.
Note: After June 15, Summer (but not Fall) applications, questions, cancellations and other changes should be sent directly to the camp:
The Managers
Three Mile Island Camp
1 Three Mile Island
Laconia,NH 03246
TMI Creator’s Week
TMI Creator’s Week will be held September 15-18, 2025. This program offers several days of creativity and connecting with nature. See the Creators Week page for details, including which sessions will be offered and the registration form.